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Save More Bracelet

Rs. 1,250.00
Buy now
Authentic Crystal
Charged by
Mrs. Monica
Ships Tomorrow


Harness the energy of abundance and savings.Amethyst encourages responsible financial decisions, Jasper offers security, and citrine draws wealth.This bracelet helps you save more by aligning your financial outlook. As time progresses, their effect strengthens your dedication to financial wellness, guaranteeing a more promising and secure future. Make these precious stones your financial allies paving the way for a wealthier tomorrow.

Why is saving money not just a habit but a powerful tool?
The 70:30:20 rule can be a simple guideline for managing your finances and budgeting your income. 70% for Expenses is allocated to cover your everyday expenses, 30% is intended for savings. 20% is dedicated to your financial goals & aspirations. By infusing them with the intention of saving money and wearing them as daily reminders, they can motivate us to make better financial choices, track our progress, and strengthen our commitment to financial responsibility.


Amethyst: Amethyst is often associated with calming energy and clarity of mind. It is believed to help reduce stress and anxiety which may help individuals make more rational and less impulsive financial choices.

Jasper: By promoting a sense of stability and security, red jasper is believed to help individuals make more prudent financial decisions and save money for the long term. The grounding energy of jasper can also help individuals feel more connected to the physical world, which can encourage responsible financial planning.

Citrine: It is believed to attract wealth and success and is often used in wealth manifestation rituals or practices.

Jewellery Care & Info

- You can wear your healing bracelets every day and also in the shower which will, in turn, cleanse them daily
- Since there is no metal used, wearing it in the shower, won't tarnish them


The orders will be shipped within 2 working days. Due to the delicate nature of the Bracelets, these products cannot be returned once sold as per our returns policy.