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New Year Energy Hamper

Rs. 1,550.00
Buy now
Authentic Crystal
Charged by
Mrs. Monica
Ships Tomorrow


When affirmations come together with crystals that have grounding and abundant energies; your goals will amplify and come to life. Manifest your dream year with this hamper and start your manifestation journey now.


- Affirmation Flip Up by Humanhood
- Bloodstone Mini Cluster, White Agate Mini Cluster, Tiger's Eye Mini Cluster, Sunstone Mini Cluster


- A flip up of 100 positive affirmations for your daily dose of positivity, motivation and manifestation
- Simple manifestation technique
- This product has been approved, verified & supported by a team of 100+ psychologists & therapists at The Mood Space.


- Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser, heightens intuition and increases creativity. An excellent grounding and protective gemstone reducing negative emotions
- Tiger's Eye helps to clear any imbalances from the solar plexus chakra, leaving you feeling like the most powerful, confident version of yourself.
-  Sunstone is a joyful, light- inspiring stone. It instills good nature and heightens intuition. Clearing all the chakras, it brings light and energy. Sunstone is extremely useful as an antidepressant and lifts dark moods.
- White Agate enhances mental function as they improve concentration, perception, and analytical abilities, leading to practical solutions.