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7 Chakra Raw Clusters Kit

Rs. 2,300.00
Rs. 2,600.00
Buy now
Authentic Crystal
Charged by
Mrs. Monica
Ships Tomorrow


Recharge and Reconnect with your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing with our 7 Chakra Raw Clusters. The seven chakras in our body are believed to be the centers of the spiritual power. They are the main source of energy and wellbeing for our body. Each chakra has a vibrational frequency which is associated with a colour and there is a crystal for each of it.

These crystals help in removing blockages and amplify the balance of energies and bring a significant difference in the way you feel.


7 Chakra Raw Clusters- Jasper, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Green Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst & Clear Quartz


• Spirituality & Meditation
• Grounding & Balance
• New Beginnings & Opportunities
• Abundance
• Passion & Creativity
• Focus & Concentration
• Love & Happiness
• Health & Wellbeing
• Protection


- Jasper helps with grounding and to feel confident. It is a crystal known to instill passion and creativity within you.
- Carnelian acts as a driving force for an individual by increasing self-confidence and courage.
- Tiger's Eye helps to clear any imbalances from the solar plexus chakra, leaving you feeling like the most powerful, confident version of yourself.
-  Green Aventurine is associated with the Heart Chakra and is known to remove all your negative emotions and bring an emotional calm to life.
- Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress bringing deep peace. It alleviates insomnia, boosts the immune system and promotes clear communication.
- Amethyst enhances intuition, perception, and understanding. It is also used while meditation as it quietens the mind and allows finer perceptions to become clear.
- Clear Quartz stimulates the crown chakra by channeling universal energy. It possesses healing, manifesting and meditation energy.