‘Aura’ ever heard of this word? To simplify the term, ‘Vibe’ seems a little familiar now doesn’t it? What is the vibe? that all gen-z’ talk about!
Have you ever been to the forest, or a place of worship, and all of a sudden felt incredibly calm and relaxed, as if all the burden has just been lifted off your shoulders?
At that moment, you find yourself surrounded by beings that have the most peaceful and relaxed aura. They emit the most calming vibrations affecting your state of mind.
The meaning of this term aura is the radiations and vibrations that a person emits. It is said that any being living or breathing has an aura, be it us human beings, animals or plants themselves! These days, haven’t we heard negative vibes and positive vibes a little too much? Well, yes! These terms that this generation uses a lot these days do have a deeper understanding.
When you're at the beach, or with your friends, a place where you feel comfortable and relaxed, that’s when you're at a place or with people who give out positive vibrations. An example of when you feel negative vibrations is simply when you’re at the graveyard or are surrounded by people who drain you out unknowingly. We’ve always noticed a person’s vibe on the way their overall behaviour is. That is how we come to know of a person’s vibrations or the aura that they radiate.
This is an amazing fact that you need to know if you're working with your spiritual self,
Our body has 7 chakras that are the seven keys to the universe within you. The chakras of our body are like a wheel that allow the energies to flow through our body, on the other hand, the aura is the energy field that surrounds our body. It gives you a deeper comprehension of your spiritual, mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Also, did you know, the colours of the rainbow and the colours of the chakras are the same and they are said to be interconnected? Nature combines all of its creations in harmony!
Now that we've got the basic idea of the aura, let's explore it a little more in-depth and how it functions. These 7 auric planes have different representations. Along with that, they signify different positive and negative energies that our body possesses. Not to get too much in-depth into the auric planes, but this is just a gist of what your aura could look like,
Physical auric layer: Closest to our body, reflects on your physical health.
Emotional auric layer: This corresponds to our emotional well-being.
Mental auric layer: Represents logic, understanding, judgement, thinking and much more.
Astral Body auric layer: This signifies your spiritual health.
Etheric auric layer: This shows you your deeper psychic gifts.
Celestial auric layer: The layer of intuitions and insight.
Causal auric plane: Bringing together every auric layer to support a balanced and spiritual way of existence.

If you're just beginning your spiritual journey, it’s best to start off with meditation, calming yourself down and letting peace set in. Meditation does not only calm the mind, it is said to heal the body and let it age for years to come. The first and most crucial step when working with your aura is the awareness of knowing what your aura shines the brightest in, which of your aura dominates the most. For instance, it may be blue, which symbolizes courage and confidence, or pink, which shows you are loving, compassionate, sensitive, etc.
You can easily get to know what your aura looks like with the help of your spiritual teacher, or you could do it yourself, there are many ways you can see your aura and work accordingly. For example, after meditating, scan the outer layer of your head and shoulders, the colour you perceive emerging from your body is your aura. If your aura consists completely of all 7 colours, it shows your living a lifestyle of balance and spirituality.
To conclude, it's possible to cleanse your Aura and re energise yourself! Be the good vibes you want to be around! Practise daily affirmations and journaling to channel your inner ambitions into productivity and stay positive.